Power your global employment journey—with Oyster Partners

Oyster partners with the world's most trusted companies, so you can feel confident you're building the best possible experience for your distributed team.
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Amesto Global

Amesto Global is a partner-owned, boutique firm offering accounting, financial reporting,
corporate and advisory business solutions for growing companies operating and/or
expanding in North America and Europe.

Together we’re transforming the way we work

Amesto Global provides bespoke solutions for fast-growing companies as they expand
internationally. From streamlined accounting and financial reporting to multi-country
payroll coordination and more, we deliver real-time business solutions for our clients
and act as an extension of their head office as they grow and expand in various stages.

As businesses seek to expand into new jurisdictions without establishing a physical
presence, Oyster acts as Amesto Global’s preferred Employer of Record (EOR)
provider. Together, we offer dynamic payroll solutions to our global clients and leverage
our extensive network to ensure seamless operations in jurisdictions where they lack a
permanent establishment.

Key Features

Amesto Global's comprehensive services cover:

  •  Multi-country Accounting and Financial Reporting
  •  In-country Compliance and Corporate Secretarial Services
  •  Market Entry and Growth Support
  •  Multi-country Coordination