Power your global employment journey—with Oyster Partners

Oyster partners with the world's most trusted companies, so you can feel confident you're building the best possible experience for your distributed team.
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Oyster and Caribou have partnered so you can simplify international tax compliance across your entities. 

Together we’re transforming the way we work

Companies are becoming 'multi-national' earlier and earlier. Operating a multi-entity Group exposes you to a mess of international tax and related legal issues. Left unchecked, these problems cost you cash and ultimately make your business worth less. Caribou solves this problem without the need for expensive consultants or billable hours.

Caribou's app sets your transfer pricing policy, including intragroup agreements and accounting implementation, then monitors changes across your entities to keep documents up-to-date. 

Key Features

  • Minimise your own time on this -> Caribou plugs into your business and solves these problems for you. You don't need to spend your own time on research and resolution.
  • Stop haemorrhaging cash -> Groups that aren't set up correctly often pay unnecessary taxes or lose R&D incentives.
  • No billable hours -> Caribou charges a single yearly fee. Stop paying by-the-hour consultants

Supported Regions


Supported Regions
