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Jet HR is a modern way to manage your personnel. With Jet HR, you can pay salaries, lease computers, and approve vacation time, all in one platform.

Together we’re transforming the way we work

Jet HR simplifies your HR processes and empowers you to focus on what matters most: taking care of your business. The platform offers a comprehensive suite of HR, IT, and finance tools, allowing you to automate bureaucracy and streamline operations. Additionally, Jet HR provides proactive labor consultants who speak in straightforward bullet points, ready to assist you. 

Jet HR also includes features for payroll management and offers resources such as legislative updates, no-nonsense HR guides, and a helpful HR glossary. Experience the magic of Jet HR and elevate your personnel management today.

Key Features

The JetHR platform allows you to:

  • Handle employee onboarding
  • Simulate costs
  • Manage company computers
  • Maintain an employee directory
  • Approve vacations and expenses, and control budgets and deadlines.

Supported Regions


Supported Regions
