Power your global employment journey—with Oyster Partners

Oyster partners with the world's most trusted companies, so you can feel confident you're building the best possible experience for your distributed team.
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An employee onboarding platform that allows HR leaders and managers to easily set up an engaging experience that will make newcomers truly feel part of the team.

Together we’re transforming the way we work

By using Oyster alongside Softstart, remote companies can hire and onboard globally distributed employees seamlessly. Through the help of Oyster, companies can efficiently hire the right talent around the world, then properly welcome them so that they feel integrated into the team and reach their full potential more quickly using Softstart.

Key Features

  • Onboarding templates: Select from a few templates to inspire you and help you build a memorable onboarding. Or customize your own unique templates, which you can reuse and adapt to all your different kind of onboarding.

  • Drag and drop onboarding builder: Time to plan a great onboarding! Drag and drop any activities on calendar view, adapt your plan with bulk actions, preview it and schedule your invitation.

  • Simplify your scheduling: Introduce your newcomer to the rest of the team by synchronizing their calendar (Outlook and Google) directly through the platform.

  • Access all your onboarding resources easily: Quickly assemble all your onboarding resources in one place, which you can then easily access and share.

  • Newcomer experience: Provide an onboarding that your newcomers can actively follow and engage with, all on their own. Allow team mates to record clips to either introduce themselves, resources, or really whatever they feel important to share.

Supported Regions

North America
The Middle East & Africa

Supported Regions

North America
The Middle East & Africa